Do you know what determines the federal funding each state receives for programs essential to our communities like Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, Head Start, SNAP & WIC, Special Education, Pell Grant subsidies, Affordable Housing, and SO much more? It comes from the Census. Census 2020 is coming! We need to ensure that Georgia gets an accurate count of all people no matter their age, ethnicity, income-level, or where they live so we can receive the proper federal funding for the programs our communities rely on. The census also tells the government where people live to determine political representation, what businesses should develop where, and what services are needed where (like locations for hospitals). It may be intimidating to provide the government the answers to the 10 questions on the form, but it is important to know that your information is safe and secure. However you choose to complete your form (online, over the phone, on paper, or with a census worker) it is important that you get counted!
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